11 Tips on Integrating Social Media into Your B2B Lead Generation Strategy
There is no denying that social media compels brands to be a creative storyteller. However, social media marketing can be challenging. Mind you, some brands struggle to promote their products due to some regulations. So how can you let social media work for you to enhance your B2B model? Here are 11 tips on how you can successfully integrate social media into your B2B business strategy.
1. Pick the Right Channel
Nowadays, there are so many social media platforms that it becomes harder to figure out which ones you should be on. If you think that you should be on every social media platform, you’re only going to tire yourself out, and it might not even give you the results you want. That’s why you have to pick the right channel in the first place. For example, if you choose Facebook, then you must use the schedule Facebook posts feature from the trendiest scheduling tool to gain more reach & visibility according to your audience.
You need to determine where your target customers or audience are hanging out and direct your efforts there. Often, consumers have a preferred social media platform. Any other social media channel is generally just an extra and should not be the focus of your attention.
2. Optimize Your Profile Page
Once you’ve chosen your social media platform, it’s time to set up your account. Ensure that your Profile page is up-to-date with relevant information in both the About Us and Description sections. If you leave these empty, you waste a valuable opportunity to introduce yourself. You can even use that space to have a call-to-action. Include essential information like business address, working hours, and contact details.
3. Run Contests on Social Media
If you want to get more social media followers, running a contest with a prize at the end is an excellent way to get things going. It’s simple, but it can offer you free publicity at the very least.
Conditions for a giveaway can be a follow or like. Either way, you want followers and engagements on your post. Remember to disclose the critical information about your contest. This includes who can participate and the mechanics.
Keep in mind that every platform has its regulations regarding social media contests. So, be sure to read the fine print first before you proceed.
4. Offer a “Freemium” Version of Your Product
Whether you’re offering a product or service, you may consider developing a product that you can easily give away for free to your target customers. For example, offer a freemium version of your work that includes enough features to get them hooked on the benefits they provide. This shows the value of your product to your customers.
However, don’t give everything away. Either limit the features or the number of times they can use it, or the length of time. That way, you generate a need or desire in your target customer; they get to know your product and become a more valuable lead.
5. Social Media Advertising
Of course, there are plenty of efforts that will help you get leads flowing into your business. However, if you want to power up your social media marketing efforts, you’ll want to use paid ads.
Your competitors, both smaller and bigger brands, are investing in paid ads. Why invest? It allows your brand to reach a wider audience, which ultimately results in more business.
Paid ads are a lot cheaper than you’d think. As long as you dedicate an advertising expenditure to your marketing efforts, you can easily tweak and control your spending.
6. Be Active on Q&A Portals
If you aren’t engaging in them already, try being more active on Q&A portals. These portals are sites where the public asks all sorts of questions, and other people get a chance to answer these questions as well.
Why engage in Q&A portals? You can use this opportunity to show that you are a competent and knowledgeable leader in the industry.
Of course, you shouldn’t feel compelled to answer every random, unrelated question out there. Identify and answer the questions that your potential customers are asking relevant to your product or service.
7. Share and Promote Links to Gated Content
Social media is a two-way street. However, there are only so many free nuggets of wisdom that you can give before it starts hurting your business. After all, you want your business to succeed.
With that said, you may consider promoting your gated content, which requires users to fill out a form or subscribe as well on social media. You can highlight the fact that your gated content will have more in-depth information that your followers can use. Your free content on social media can be accessible to all and introduce your product or service; the gated content can be for customers who want to find more in-depth answers with the help of your expertise.
8. Grow Your Network
Social media is one of the best ways to network without attending lengthy conferences, workshops, or seminars. It’s free to engage and connect with other people, creating genuine connections with other businesses. Use this time to engage with the people who follow you, including your target customers.
9. Leverage Influencer Marketing
Influencers are becoming more and more popular on social media, both for businesses and the average person. They have access to an audience you want to tap into, especially if the Instagram followers demographics of the influencers are people you want to target. That’s why if you haven’t already, consider leveraging influencer marketing in your social media strategy, Influencer marketing is still a new niche where some of the best practices can be missed, that's why is important to check data about real followers.
10. Social Media Listening
At VoyMedia Advertising Agency NYC, we believe that social media marketing is a lot more demanding than you’d think if you want it to be effective. After all, everyone can have a social media account, but not everyone can grow and make it a business. One of the critical steps to a robust social media strategy is social media listening.
Social media listening allows you to understand your audience better. This includes knowing what kind of social media posts resonate with consumers the most. Using the information you get through social media listening, you can adopt a better digital marketing strategy.
11. Run Referral Campaigns
Another exciting method to help generate more leads in social media is a referral campaign. This type of campaign enables you to get newer business through the help of your current or previous customers. You reward them in some way if they share your business on social media or refer your business to another customer.
Keep in mind that you’ll also need a system to track your referral traffic. This includes sources and channels used, and what content compelled them to take action.
Your lead generation strategy is crucial to keep your business up and running. And because people spend an average of two hours and 24 minutes on social media, it makes sense to leverage this channel. Doing so allows you to attract your audience, engage with them, and compel them to transact with you.
Hopefully, with the help of these tricks, your lead generation strategy will power up and create more business for you now and in the future.
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